Using a Play Pen for a Puppy

Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.  Many new pet parents feel overwhelmed when their new companion decides to explore its new environment.  Puppies are quick!  And those tiny teeth are sharp.  Not to mention the hidden dangers in the corners and cabinets of many homes.  Keeping track of the puppy can become a full-time job.  No to mention the accidents.  This is where using a puppy play pen comes in.

The right puppy playpen can makes potty training easier, prevents bad habits from forming, and keeps your puppy safe.

When using a puppy play pen, make sure to only reward your pup when their feet are on the ground.

Doing this will save you tons of problems.  If the pup rears up when you come near with its paws on the side of the playpen, say nothing, but give the side of the puppy pen a quick shake. Continue only until the pup gets off the playpen wall then immediately give the puppy attention and pets.


Because you do not want your puppy to learn how to climb out of the playpen.  If you encourage paws up on the playpen’s sides with attention and petting, you will soon have eager jumping up and down when you approach.  Before long, the puppy will be up and over and you’ll have the same problems as before.

This is a lesson I learned the hard way, having to swoop in and save a puppy clambering over the top of a crate.

Your pup will stay put and be happier when they know their place.  A confident pooch is more likely to listen, which means less trouble for you!

Read on to learn more about dog crates and their alternatives.